Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 21, blah

I constantly think about writing on my blog.  I have even started a number of posts only to stop with the intention of getting back to them, but in the end, they are left abandoned.  My life is in a lot of flux, but nothing of meaning to me is happening.  I spent five years learning and working toward something I was passionate for, but while those five years gave me a lot of academic experience, I finished without the on-the-ground, real-world experience to actually get me the kind of job I would enjoy.  Instead, I ended up back on the other side of the country camping out at my parents' house indefinitely.  These days I'm living in the netherworld.  I don't know how long I'll be here.  I don't know what it will take to get out.  It's foggy and I can't really see what's going on or what's ahead. I'm working a job my heart is not in and that is really hard for me.  I want so badly to do something I love.

Today, I feel utterly miserable.  Just being honest.  While I would chalk part of that up to my current walk through a wilderness I can't figure out how to navigate, I think I can chalk a lot more of it up to the absolutely miserable weather we are having!  In some parts of western Oregon it snowed quite a bit ("quite a bit" being relative) today; in other parts, it dusted.  But here in Portland it was just freezing cold and raining the entire day.  It has been dreary for the last week and a half straight with only a few days of sun preceding that, before which was another long stretch of cold misery, and it's killing my spirit .  If we don't get some good sunshine soon, I'm going to waste away to a listless, soulless nothing.  This kind of weather didn't used to bother me so much.  These days, though, it makes me tired of simply existing.

1 comment:

  1. How did I not know you had a blog??? Now that I'm off facebook, we can be blog buddies :). Thank you for being honest about being miserable. I get really annoyed with blogs that constantly talk about the sunshiney happy days people are having. Not that it's bad, but life isn't always great and people aren't always doing arts and crafts with their perfect kids and cooking perfect organic meals for their husbands. I like an honest post once in a while. That's my rant for the day. love you friend.
